Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Observation in SD Laboratorium Surabaya

Reported by Ayu Silvi Lisvian Sari

IMPoME Student of State University of Surabaya. Saturday, July 24th 2010

A. Introduction

On July 22th 2010, we did our observation in SD Laboratorium Surabaya. It was in State University of Surabaya (UNESA) area. The previous day, the day before the observation day, we have met the Principal of SD Laboratorium Surabaya, Dra Hj Endang Ariadi S.,M.Pd. She brought us to the class where we will have an observation. She told that in SD Lab Surabaya, there is 19 class, one meeting class, and one physic laboratories. Start from last year, there are two international class, II-A class and III-B class. My friend and I did not observe the international class. We observed the IV-B class. Before the class begin, we have an opportunity to chat with some of the student. We also interview the IV-B ‘s mathematics teacher, Mrs Riamah. We discussed her teaching plan of Mathematics class for IV-B that we would attend. She said she would use the PMRI or Indonesian RME teaching model. We were very enthusiast when she said that, because that teaching model was our subject course. We thought that we will learn a lot of thing by this observation, not just studied about the theory of RME in the article or book like we did in IMPoME class. The objective of that day’s lesson was to deepen the student’s comprehensive about the properties operation of number that have been discuss the previous meeting, that are, associative, commutative, and distributive.

B. Goal

The purpose of this meeting is to evaluate the learning process and what kind of knowledge, skill or ability that will occur during the lesson.

C. Observation questions

In this observation, there are some questions that observers want to know,

1. Does the learning process is precise with the RME instruction?

2. What kind of knowledge that students achieve after the learning?

3. What kind of skill or ability that students perform during the lesson

4. What kind of skill or ability that students achieve after the lesson?

D. Data-description

The class begin with the apperception from Mrs Riamah about the last meeting’s lesson. She ask student about the meaning of association, commutative and distributive properties. She also asked student to give an example of every properties. From the very start, student was very active so that everyone in the class wants to perform their answer. To comprehend student’s knowledge and do the reflection about those properties, Mrs Riamah asked student to make a group of 4 to do the worksheet about properties of integer that prepared by her. That worksheet consist of some question that needed the student to decide what properties operation they are then solve the calculation and some question that needed the student do the calculation by using one of the properties that felt easier to do for the student.

Teacher reminds student the topic of previous meeting

Student were active to answer teacher’s question

To do the worksheet from Mrs Riamah, students have to do it in group of four. Mrs Riamah said that they never do the group work before ( in grade I,II and III), so it was very fascinated when they can do the group work well . They even without asked by the teacher, discussed seriously the question with their friends in the same group. When they faced some difficulty, they ask Mrs Riamah to give them some explanation. Mrs Riamah, of course, did not give the answer directly. She gave them a clue to discuss, so that by discuss it with the member of the group, they can find the answer by theirselves.

Student’s activity in a group work

Generally from the beginning of the lesson, the student’s activities can be classified into a good category. Students are very enthusiast and very cooperative in solving the problem with their group. With the certain time given by Mrs Riamah, student can solve it on time. After they finish their group work, Mrs Riamah asks each group to perform their answer in front of the class. We was very surprised when one of the group perform their answer in front of the class, one of the student ask them to explain their answer. Without the guidance of Mrs Riamah, the group can explain their answer well. It shows that in that class, there is an interactive not only between student and teacher but also between students and students.

Student ask the group performer to explain their answer

One of student’s answers of the worksheet

E. Analysis

Based on the observation at Wednesday, July 22th 2010 in IV- B’s mathematics class, we can analyze the learning process that happens on that time. The purpose of the lesson is to deepen the student’s comprehension and to do the reflection about the properties operation of number. In the previous meeting, the teacher has taught the concrete problems about number, operation of a number and the properties operation of number. And the last, gradually shifting the informal approach of the learning, when student are given the concrete problem, to a more formal approach, when student are given the abstract problem. So in today’s meeting, the class will study the abstract problems about properties operation of number. To study it, students are work in a group of four. In their groups, they actively do the interaction with not only their friends in their group but also the teacher. When they finish their work, they perform it in front of the class. When they perform it, there is wide opportunity for the other students to ask the performer about the performer’s answer or to convey the idea of their own answer, so that they can compare their understanding about properties operation of number with the other students. Finally, we can say that the learning process in IV- B’s mathematics class at Wednesday, July 22th 2010 was the reflection of the previous learning that done in groups. In this group students are offer opportunity for the exchange of ideas, the rebuttal of arguments and the skill to cooperate with others.

F. Conclusion

The conclusions of the observation in SD Laboratorium Surabaya at Wednesday, July 22th 2010 in IV- B’s mathematics class are

1. To learn the subject, teacher needs two meetings. First meeting, the teacher has brought the concrete problem to the students, and by using a model, the teacher gradually shifted student’s understanding about the topic in informal approach to a more formal approach, but unfortunately we didn’t attend that meetings. In second meeting –meeting that we have been attending–, the teacher ask student to do the reflection in a group, and then perform it in front of the class. So we can conclude that the learning process is precise with RME instruction.

2. The knowledge that students achieve after the learning was they knew that there were several properties operation of a number, which are associative, commutative and distributive.

3. The skills or abilities that student perform during the lesson are student’s ability in performing their group work in front of the class by their own word, giving a reaction on their friend’s answer, conveying their ideas, and cooperating with the others.

4. After the lesson finish, they learnt that to be a good performer, they have to be a good communicator, so that their friends would have the same concept with the performer.

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